Happy Labor Day to you!
70 days out from the start of this adventure! I can't go back......I feel SO great....it's amazing how much my body loves not eating any processed foods, grains, dairy or sugar.....OK, so I do have cheese once or twice per week but as for the rest, I've pretty much given it all up!
I had a scoop of ice cream last night and that was the first time in 70 days I've fed my system sugar....it was all natural ice cream, but wow was it sweet! Like a sugar bomb going off in my mouth! LOL.....it was good and all but I know I could easily go another 70 days without consuming any sugar....
I am now completely rid of all my digestive issues.....it is very liberating to be free of slavery to my bowels every day! It's been years since I've felt this great!
Now to completely gravitate to all grass fed beef and free range poultry.....then my mission will be complete....Onward