Saturday, August 17, 2013

Acid Reflux no more!

For the past two years I've taken daily medication for acid reflux. Any of you have that? It is an awful pain and burning and I remember the first time I felt it I thought I was going to die! I ended up with it so bad that I opted to take the daily pill to prevent it from coming on.

Well, I got cocky after a few months and thought I could go without the daily pill and stopped taking it.....WHAM! Back with a vengeance.....yikes.....I've never been without that little blue and pink pill again.....

So, I've been reading how eating Paleo and clean cures acid when I ran out of my little pills a couple weeks ago, I didn't replenish them....and I haven't had acid reflux ONCE! So there is another testimony  to eating right.....

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